Everything You Need to Know About Headaches: Types, Treatment, and Management with Telehealth

November 30, 2023by Phenix Health

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, headaches can be a massive inconvenience, and super painful. If you suffer from headaches, you probably already know this. But did you know that it’s important to understand which type of headache you have because that will influence the treatment plan? 

This article will cover common headaches, their symptoms, and causes. We’ll explore how telehealth can play a pivotal role in headache diagnosis and management. If you’re experiencing recurring or debilitating headaches, get in touch with our team as soon as possible. We offer bulk-billed consultations through telehealth and our doctors and nurses are available 24/7.


What are the common types of headaches?

Headaches are a common condition that many people experience at some point in their lives. However, there are many different types of headaches with unique symptoms and causes. Understanding the different types is crucial for proper diagnosis and effective management. Below, we’ll explore some of the common types of headaches:

Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are one of the most common types of headaches, and they often arise from the stresses and strains of everyday life. These headaches are characterised by a steady, dull ache that typically affects both sides of the head. While tension headaches are not usually debilitating, they can be persistent and can significantly impact your daily activities.


What are the Symptoms of Tension Headaches:

Dull, Constant Ache: The hallmark symptom of tension headaches is a persistent, dull ache. Unlike migraines, which often involve throbbing or pulsating pain, tension headaches are characterised by a steady discomfort. This continuous ache can extend across the forehead, encircle the head like a band, and may also be felt at the back of the head and neck.

Bilateral Affliction: Tension headaches typically affect both sides of the head. The symmetrical nature of the pain distinguishes tension headaches from migraines, which may be localised to one side.

Sensation of a Tight Band: Individuals often describe the sensation of a tight band or pressure around the head. This feeling resembles having a constricting band wrapped around the forehead, temples, or the entire head. This tightness contributes to the discomfort associated with tension headaches.

No Aura or Sensory Disturbances: Unlike migraines, tension headaches usually do not present with auras or sensory disturbances such as visual changes or sensitivity to light and sound. The absence of these features helps differentiate tension headaches from migraines.

Variable Duration: Tension headaches can vary in duration, lasting anywhere from a few minutes to several days. While they are not usually incapacitating, their persistent nature can have a cumulative impact on an individual’s quality of life.


What are the Causes of Tension Headaches:

Stress: Stress, a primary trigger for tension headaches, plays a significant role in our overall well-being. The demands and pressures of daily life, whether related to work, relationships, or personal challenges, can contribute to increased muscle tension in the head and neck, leading to tension headaches. Understanding the health effects of stress is crucial, as chronic stress not only impacts our mental state but also has profound implications for our physical health. To explore more on this topic, check out our post on the Health Effects of Stress.

Poor Posture: Maintaining improper posture, especially for extended periods, can strain the muscles in the neck and shoulders, leading to tension headaches. This is particularly common in individuals who spend long hours working at a desk or using electronic devices without ergonomic considerations.

Muscle Tension: Physical factors such as muscle tension in the neck and shoulders play a significant role in the development of tension headaches. This tension can result from activities like clenching the jaw, bruxism, or maintaining a fixed position for an extended period.

Eye Strain: Prolonged periods of focusing on screens or reading without breaks can strain the eye muscles, contributing to tension headaches. This is a common issue in the modern era with increased screen time for work and leisure.

Jaw Clenching and Teeth Grinding: Unconscious habits like clenching the jaw or grinding teeth, often associated with stress, can contribute to muscle tension in the head and neck, increasing the likelihood of tension headaches.

Understanding these symptoms and causes is essential for individuals experiencing tension headaches to effectively manage and reduce their frequency. Addressing the underlying factors, such as stress management and ergonomic considerations, can play a crucial role in preventing and alleviating tension headaches. If needed, professional medical advice through telehealth can provide personalised guidance for better headache management.



Migraines are a type of headache characterised by intense, throbbing pain, often accompanied by other symptoms that can significantly impact quality of life. Unlike tension headaches, migraines tend to be more severe and are typically unilateral, affecting one side of the head.


What are the Symptoms of Migraines:

Throbbing Pain: One of the defining features of migraines is a throbbing or pulsating pain that can be intense. This pain is often localised to one side of the head but can shift sides or encompass the entire head.

Duration: Migraines can last for several hours to a few days. The duration and intensity of the pain can vary from person to person and from one migraine episode to another.

Nausea and Vomiting: Many individuals with migraines experience nausea and, in some cases, vomiting. The severity of these symptoms can further contribute to the overall discomfort.

Sensitivity to Light and Sound: Photophobia (sensitivity to light) and phonophobia (sensitivity to sound) are common during migraines. Exposure to bright lights or loud noises can exacerbate the pain and discomfort.

Aura: Some people experience an “aura” before the onset of the headache phase. Auras are sensory disturbances that can manifest as visual changes (flashing lights, zigzag lines), tingling sensations, or difficulty speaking. Not everyone with migraines experiences an aura.

Visual Disturbances: Migraines can cause visual disturbances even without a classic aura. This may include blurred vision, seeing spots or flashes of light, and temporary vision loss.


What are the Causes of Migraines:

Genetic Factors: There is often a genetic predisposition to migraines. If close family members experience migraines, an individual may be more susceptible.

Hormonal Changes: Migraines are more prevalent in women, and hormonal fluctuations, particularly changes in estrogen levels, can trigger migraines. This is why some women experience migraines around the time of their menstrual cycle.

Environmental Triggers: Various environmental factors can trigger migraines, including certain foods (chocolate, caffeine, aged cheese), strong odors, and changes in weather or barometric pressure.

Stress: While stress is a common trigger for tension headaches, it can also play a role in triggering migraines. Sudden stress relief, such as the onset of a weekend or vacation, can even trigger migraines in some individuals.

Sleep Disturbances: Irregular sleep patterns, lack of sleep, or changes in sleep routine can contribute to migraines.

Understanding migraines, their symptoms, and potential triggers allows individuals to take proactive steps in managing and reducing the impact of these intense headaches on their daily lives. 

If you or someone you know experiences frequent or severe migraines, consulting with a healthcare professional can help with proper diagnosis and guidance. For personalised advice and convenience, book an online appointment with Phenix Health. Our team of qualified doctors and nurses can help find the most effective migraine management strategies for your unique needs. 


Cluster Headaches: The Intense Cyclone of Pain

Cluster headaches are a distinctive and severe form of headache that tends to occur in cyclical patterns or clusters. Often referred to as “suicide headaches” due to their intense and debilitating nature, cluster headaches are characterised by severe, stabbing pain that usually affects one side of the head. Let’s explore the key features of cluster headaches, including symptoms, potential causes, and approaches to management.


What are the Symptoms of Cluster Headaches:

Severe Pain: The defining characteristic of cluster headaches is the excruciating, piercing pain. The pain is often described as a burning or stabbing sensation and is typically concentrated around one eye or temple.

Unilateral Affliction: Unlike migraines, cluster headaches usually affect one side of the head. The pain can radiate to the forehead, temple, cheek, or even the neck on the same side.

Cyclical Patterns: Cluster headaches occur in cycles or clusters, often at the same time of day or night. These clusters can last for weeks or months, followed by a headache-free period (remission), which may last for months or even years.

Duration: The pain associated with cluster headaches is intense and relatively short-lived, lasting anywhere from 15 minutes to three hours. Despite the short duration, the severity of the pain can be profoundly debilitating.

Accompanying Symptoms: Individuals with cluster headaches may experience additional symptoms on the affected side, such as redness and tearing of the eye, nasal congestion, drooping eyelid (ptosis), and facial sweating.

Restlessness: The intensity of the pain often leads to restlessness and agitation. Sufferers may feel the need to move or pace during an episode.


What are the Causes and Triggers of Cluster Headaches:

Hypothalamus Dysfunction: The exact cause of cluster headaches is not fully understood, but there is evidence suggesting a dysfunction in the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that plays a role in the body’s biological clock and the sleep-wake cycle.

Triggers: Certain factors may trigger or exacerbate cluster headaches, including alcohol consumption (especially during active cluster periods), exposure to cigarette smoke, and changes in sleep patterns.

Genetic Predisposition: There may be a genetic predisposition to cluster headaches, as they often run in families.

While cluster headaches can be challenging to manage, understanding their distinctive features and triggers is crucial for individuals experiencing these intense and cyclical bouts of pain. Consulting with healthcare professionals online about your cluster headaches can help. Our team can deliver personalised treatment and support.


Rebound Headaches: Breaking the Cycle of Medication Overuse

Rebound headaches, also known as medication-overuse headaches, are a form of chronic daily headache that occurs as a result of frequent and excessive use of headache medications. Contradictly, the very medications intended to relieve headaches can contribute to the development of rebound headaches when used excessively. Let’s delve into the key aspects of rebound headaches, including symptoms, causes, and strategies for breaking the cycle.


What are the Symptoms of Rebound Headaches:

Increased Frequency: Rebound headaches often cause headaches to become more frequent. What may have started as an occasional headache can escalate to a daily occurrence.

Medication Dependence: Individuals experiencing rebound headaches may find themselves dependent on over-the-counter or prescription headache medications. The need for these medications becomes a regular part of their routine.

Worsening of Headache Intensity: While the initial purpose of using medication is to alleviate headaches, rebound headaches often lead to an intensification of headache pain. The more medication is used, the more severe and persistent the headaches become.

Chronic Daily Headache: Rebound headaches can transform episodic headaches into a chronic daily headache pattern, creating a continuous cycle of pain.

Relief After Medication: Paradoxically, individuals may experience temporary relief from headaches shortly after taking the medication. However, this relief is short-lived, and the headaches return, often more intensely.


What are the Causes of Rebound Headaches:

Medication Overuse: The primary cause of rebound headaches is the overuse of headache medications, including over-the-counter pain relievers (such as acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen) and prescription medications (such as triptans or opioids).

Frequency of Use: The risk of rebound headaches increases with the frequency of medication use. Using headache medications on a daily or near-daily basis, for an extended period, can contribute to the development of rebound headaches.

Certain Medication Types: Some medications, particularly those containing caffeine or barbiturates, are more strongly associated with rebound headaches.

Breaking the cycle of rebound headaches requires a comprehensive approach, and individuals experiencing these headaches should seek professional medical advice. Identifying and addressing the root causes, along with appropriate withdrawal from overused medications, can pave the way for effective management and a reduction in headache frequency and intensity.


Sinus Headaches: Unraveling the Pain Behind Facial Pressure

Sinus headaches are a type of headache characterised by a deep, throbbing pain in the face, typically around the forehead, cheeks, and nose. Despite the name, the connection between sinus headaches and actual sinus infections is often debated in the medical community. Let’s explore the key features of sinus headaches, including symptoms, potential causes, and management.

Symptoms of Sinus Headaches:

Pain and Pressure: Sinus headaches are often associated with a feeling of pressure or pain in the face. This discomfort is typically focused on the forehead, cheeks, and the bridge of the nose.

Worsening with Movement: The pain associated with sinus headaches may intensify with certain movements, such as bending forward or sudden head movements.

Nasal Symptoms: Individuals with sinus headaches may experience additional symptoms related to the sinuses, including nasal congestion, a runny or stuffy nose, and sometimes a feeling of fullness in the ears.

Throat Discomfort: It’s not uncommon for sinus headaches to be accompanied by throat irritation or a sore throat.

Worsening with Sinus Infections: In cases where sinus headaches are related to sinus infections, symptoms may worsen, and individuals may experience additional signs of infection, such as discolored nasal discharge and facial tenderness.


Causes and Triggers of Sinus Headaches:

Sinus Infections: While not all sinus headaches are directly linked to sinus infections, when they are, the headaches result from inflammation and congestion in the sinus cavities. This inflammation can be triggered by infections, allergies, or irritants.

Allergies: Allergic reactions to environmental factors like pollen, dust, or pet dander can lead to sinus congestion and headaches.

Changes in Air Pressure: Sudden changes in air pressure, such as those experienced during airplane travel or scuba diving, can trigger sinus headaches in some individuals.

Irritants: Exposure to irritants such as smoke, strong odors, or pollutants can contribute to sinus congestion and headache development.

If someone suspects they have sinus headaches or if the symptoms are persistent, they should seek medical advice. A healthcare professional can provide a thorough evaluation, determine the underlying cause, and recommend an appropriate treatment plan tailored to the individual’s needs.


Telehealth for Headache Diagnosis and Management


When you’re suffering from a headache, the last thing you want to do is leave the comfort of home and travel to a doctor’s office. Luckily, telehealth can make the process so much more simple and effective.. Telehealth is a great option for diagnosing, managing, and treating your headache or migraine troubles, because it is convenient, efficient, and personal. 


Convenience of Online Headache Consultation:

Phenix Health offers online, bulk-billed appointments with Australian-registered doctors and nurse practitioners.. We make quality healthcare accessible to all, whether you live in remote Australia or the city. Individuals experiencing headaches can conveniently book online consultations, and have the appointment through phone or video, from the comfort of home.


Efficient Headache Diagnosis:

Through telehealth, experienced Australian doctors and healthcare professionals at Phenix Health can conduct thorough virtual consultations to diagnose the type and underlying causes of headaches. The convenience of online appointments eliminates the need for travel and waiting times.


Personalised Headache Management Plans:

Phenix Health’s online platform allows for personalised headache management plans tailored to individual needs. This may include lifestyle modifications, stress management strategies, and prescription medications when necessary.

For individuals seeking effective headache and migraine treatment, Phenix Health provides comprehensive online services. Our healthcare professionals are dedicated to understanding the impact of stress on headaches and providing holistic solutions. We can refer you to specialists, pathology or radiology testing and prescribe prescriptions – all online.

You can learn more about how we treat headaches and migraines here. To book a bulk-billed appointment with Phenix Health, from only $19, click here.