Online Prescriptions from Phenix Health

At Phenix Health, we understand that timely access to medications is important to managing your health. That’s why we’re here to streamline the process with our online prescription service.

Connect with our certified General Practitioners (GPs) and Nurse Practitioners (NPs) 24/7 to get your prescriptions online.

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What are online prescriptions?

An online prescription is an e-script for medication that is issued by a GP or NP online. It’s a convenient and useful option for obtaining repeat medications, such as contraception or insulin. You can also use our online prescription service to obtain new medications you might need to help resolve an illness or condition.

Why choose online prescriptions?

With Phenix Health, getting your prescriptions online is a fast, convenient, and affordable alternative to visiting a doctor face-to-face.

How does it work?

For an online prescription, begin by scheduling a telehealth consultation with one of our qualified practitioners. While you have the option of a phone or video appointment, we recommend a video consult if you’d like the practitioner to visually assess any physical symptoms.

After evaluating your needs, the doctor will forward the prescription directly to your preferred pharmacy. This electronic prescription arrives as a unique QR code (termed a ‘token’) either through SMS or email. At the pharmacy, this code is scanned to access and authenticate the prescription.

All online prescriptions from Phenix Health result from a comprehensive telehealth consultation with our certified practitioners. We take into account your medical history, current conditions, and other factors to ensure the prescription is safe and appropriate.

Our Mission

We care for the whole person, complexity of each person’s life.

Our Providers

You can count on us to keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy.

Our Space

A community in which all use a team approach to providing health care.

FAQs on Online Prescriptions

Frequently Asked Questions
How quickly can I receive my online prescription?

Once your consultation is complete, your online prescription is typically sent immediately, ensuring minimal delay in starting your treatment.

Are online prescriptions valid everywhere?

Phenix Health’s online prescriptions are valid at any pharmacy that accepts electronic scripts in Australia.

Is my data safe when getting an online prescription?

Via telehealth you it is possible to receive a medical certificate from 1 to 3 days – depending on your condition. It is always up to the Healthcare Professional’s discretion on whether you will receive a medical certificate

Get better with Phenix Health

Depending on the nature of your problem telehealth can be an ideal choice for addressing your concerns and making positive changes in your life.

What We Care For

General Conditions We Treat