The Impact of COVID 19 on Young Adults

January 16, 2023by Phenix Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on people of all ages, but young adults have perhaps been hit the hardest. In this blog, we will explore the ways in which the pandemic has affected young adults and the challenges they have faced in the wake of the global health crisis. From job loss and financial insecurity to social isolation and mental health issues, the COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching consequences for this age group. Despite these challenges, young adults have also shown incredible resilience and adaptability in the face of unprecedented circumstances.

Social distancing measures

The study also found that the COVID-19 guidelines do not adequately address social distancing and self-isolation, especially among younger participants. Participants who reported poor adherence to social distancing and self-isolation were more likely to host visitors and engage in close contact with others. The findings suggest that social distancing and self-isolation are important for the prevention of COVID-19, but that they may need to be more detailed.

The authors attributed non-compliance to weak social bonds and a reduced exposure to social pressures. However, they concluded that a high social lifestyle may also increase the risk of non-compliance with social distancing measures. They included eight factors to measure social bonds: low parental involvement and monitoring, low teacher-student bonds, generalized trust, and social lifestyle. Interestingly, these findings are not surprising given the prevalence of obesity in young people.

Although the compliance rate of COVID-19 public health measures is high overall, it is less common among males. Furthermore, males were significantly less likely to comply with social distancing measures than were females. Furthermore, immigrants tended to be less compliant with social distancing measures than their native-born counterparts. In addition, immigrant young people were less likely to comply with COVID-19 standards, reflecting a so-called “immigrant health paradox.” This implies that immigrants report fewer risky behaviors, but do not have a higher level of compliance than first-generation migrants.


The connection between COVID 19 and depression in young adults has been studied for a decade, with mixed results. Recent meta-analyses have indicated that COVID-19 does not significantly alter positive psychological functioning. One mitigation strategy is the use of lockdowns, which prevents young people from engaging in their usual leisure activities. However, this approach can lead to the development of depression.

Another valid and reliable alternative to the SHAPS is the 17-item DARS. The DARS measures pleasure by integrating different domains and components. The DARS can be used in contexts where a comprehensive assessment of state anhedonia is desired. However, it is important to note that DARS has been tested only with young, mentally healthy adults. The 17-item DARS asks participants to give examples of pleasure, which makes it difficult to distinguish between reward and enjoyment domains.

The findings from Huang et al. show that depression symptoms may be associated with fatigue. Specifically, the authors found a positive correlation between the fatigue assessment scale and the anhedonia self-assessment scale. While these findings may be unhelpful, they provide a starting point for further studies. These findings suggest that a connection exists between COVID 19 and fatigue, but the relationship is more complex.

Housing insecurity

Housing insecurity is a major problem for millions of young people and families, especially millennials. This crisis is particularly severe among young people with low income, minorities, and those questioning their identity. The survey results show that the impact of COVID 19 has exacerbated the housing problem in the country. According to the survey, 128 participants reported housing insecurity for November 2020. Forty-two percent of participants were behind on their housing payments, while 55 percent of respondents had little or no confidence in their ability to make their next payment. And, among them, thirty-one percent reported both.

According to the report, 57 percent of respondents with housing insecurity reported moderate or severe distress. A similar number of respondents reported fair or poor health. However, the results suggest that the association between housing insecurity and poor health was less significant than previously thought. As a result, interventions to address housing insecurity should focus on increasing the number of affordable housing units for young adults in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Those interventions should be implemented with equity in mind to mitigate health disparities.

These HIAs should be conducted to better understand the impact of COVID 19 on young adults. This will help policy makers reduce potential inequalities and negative impacts. Furthermore, it will help them maximize future opportunities for positive health. It is essential that young adults are able to secure a stable place to live. The report also shows that young people have limited time to build up protective financial assets.

Travel behaviour

In an investigation on the travel behaviour of young adults following the COVID-19 pandemic. It was found that people who perceive COVID-19 as serious tended to increase nonparticipation in out-of-home activities and to exhibit more protective behavior. This behavior was not related to the frequency of COVID-infected individuals, but rather to the participants’ perception of the risk of exposure to this disease.

Despite the lack of clear evidence of an association, we noted that positive beliefs, increased self-efficacy, and coping mechanisms were associated with travel behaviour. However, there are no previous studies of the link between these variables and travel behaviour. Therefore, further research is necessary. In particular, we aim to test the hypothesis that the effects of COVID-19 risk perception and the perception of self-efficacy may contribute to the development of cautious travel behaviour.

We also found that fun-seeking personality traits were associated with higher intention to travel. However, high levels of fear of infection were not associated with increased intention to travel. The high rate of fear of infection was a predictor of high travel avoidance, and individuals with higher fun-seeking personality traits showed higher rates of travel avoidance. However, low levels of anxiety, depression, and cyclothymic personality traits were associated with lower intention to travel.

Stress relievers

Exercise is one of the best stress relievers, but it’s not enough to work out; you need to take care of yourself. Avoid staying up too late or skipping breaks. Take a walk or jog to clear your mind. Getting some physical activity can be a stress reliever, too. Young adults in particular should avoid staying up too late at night, which only adds to their stress levels.

Staying connected with friends and family is a proven stress reliever. Connecting with loved ones and friends through social media is a good stress reliever. Connecting with family and friends is another good way to manage stress. This is especially important when you’re trying to balance a demanding schedule. However, if you can’t avoid constant news consumption, you should try to keep it to a few times a day. Constant news consumption will only increase stress and draw your attention to things that are outside your control.

Among other stress-relievers, belonging to social groups. The CDC recommended a break from news about the pandemic and talking with trusted friends and family. They also added a question about religious rituals, which were believed to be of high importance in religious communities. Participants indicated how frequently they engaged in these practices in the past month. This questionnaire was valid and informative.

Psychosocial support

In a study, we reviewed it sought to understand the psychosocial support needs of COVID-19 survivors. They found that the main stressor was work status change, which was due to the pandemic. In addition, men suffered more from depression than women, as is often the case. We also found that women are more likely to develop mental health problems, which we have noted in the literature. They believe that this vulnerability in women is also reflected in the COVID-19 situation.

Their findings add to the growing body of literature on the psychological effects of COVID-19, which has documented the impact on young adults. In particular, the study showed that young adults had higher rates of depression when their parents, family members, and friends contracted COVID-19. In addition, the study found that governmental decisions to implement stay-at-home orders, which reduced face-to-face social interaction, negatively impacted young adults’ mental health. However, our results point to the need for more support for young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant mental health crisis, young people still need support and care. Professional counseling is needed for both adolescents and their families. The effects of COVID-19 may be lifelong, and children and adolescents who have lost a loved one may require extra attention. These young people may also need professional counseling for a variety of issues related to their mental health.