Does Apple Cider Vinegar Have Health Benefits?

December 13, 2023by Phenix Health

They say that an apple a day can keep the doctor away – but can apple cider vinegar make the same kind of health claims? It has gained popularity as a home remedy with numerous claimed benefits – from weight loss to diabetes management, many people believe that apple cider vinegar can improve overall health. But what is apple cider vinegar exactly, and is it worth incorporating into your routine? In this article, we will explore the potential health benefits of apple cider vinegar, how to use it safely, and whether you should consult with your doctor before adding it to your health regimen.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a fermented liquid made from apples. During the fermentation process, the natural sugars in the apples are converted into alcohol by yeast. This alcohol is then further fermented by bacteria, resulting in the formation of acetic acid, the main active compound in vinegar. The acetic acid gives apple cider vinegar its distinct sour taste and pungent smell.

Apple cider vinegar can be made from either fresh apples or apple cider. The latter is made by crushing apples and extracting the juice, which is then fermented to produce vinegar. Some varieties of apple cider vinegar also contain a substance called “mother,” which consists of proteins, enzymes, and friendly bacteria. The presence of “mother” gives the vinegar a cloudy appearance.

What are the health benefits of apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which is the main active ingredient that gives vinegar its health properties. Acetic acid can help kill harmful bacteria, lower blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce cholesterol and triglycerides. Some studies also suggest that apple cider vinegar may help with weight loss, skin health, digestion, and immunity. Here are some of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar in more detail:

1. Aiding Weight Loss

One of the most popular claims associated with apple cider vinegar is its potential for weight loss. However, it’s important to note that apple cider vinegar alone is unlikely to lead to significant weight loss. Instead, it may play a small role when combined with a calorie-controlled diet and regular exercise.

Research suggests that apple cider vinegar may increase feelings of fullness and reduce calorie intake, leading to weight loss over time. It may also help regulate blood sugar levels, which can contribute to weight management. However, more studies are needed to fully understand the effects of apple cider vinegar on weight loss.

2. Managing Blood Sugar Levels

Apple cider vinegar has shown promise in helping regulate blood sugar levels, particularly in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Some studies suggest that it may improve insulin sensitivity and reduce post-meal blood sugar spikes.

However, it’s important to note that apple cider vinegar should not replace medical treatment for diabetes. If you have diabetes or are taking blood-sugar-lowering medications, it’s crucial to consult with your doctor before incorporating apple cider vinegar into your routine.

3. Supporting Heart Health

While the evidence is limited, some studies suggest that apple cider vinegar may have a positive impact on heart health. It may help lower total cholesterol levels and increase levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, often referred to as “good” cholesterol.

However, the effects of apple cider vinegar on heart health are not well-established, and more research is needed to draw definitive conclusions. It’s important to prioritise a heart-healthy diet and lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, for optimal cardiovascular health.

4. Improving Digestion

Apple cider vinegar has traditionally been used to aid digestion and relieve symptoms such as indigestion and heartburn. It is believed to increase stomach acid production, which can help break down food more effectively.

However, individuals with digestive conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) should be cautious when using apple cider vinegar, as it may worsen symptoms. If you have any digestive issues, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating apple cider vinegar into your diet.

5. Boosting Skin Health

Apple cider vinegar is often touted as a natural remedy for various skin conditions, including acne, eczema, and dandruff. Its natural acidity is believed to help rebalance the skin’s pH, improve the skin barrier, and combat bacteria.

While some anecdotal evidence supports these claims, more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar for skin health. It’s important to exercise caution when applying undiluted vinegar to the skin, as it can cause irritation and burns. Always dilute apple cider vinegar before use and consider consulting with a dermatologist for personalised advice.

6. Other Potential Benefits

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, apple cider vinegar has been suggested to have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. It may also have potential as a natural food preservative, inhibiting the growth of bacteria and preventing food spoilage.

However, remember that many of these claims are based on limited research or anecdotal reports. Further studies are needed to fully understand the potential health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

How should you use apple cider vinegar?

When incorporating apple cider vinegar into your health routine, use it safely and in moderation. Here are some guidelines to follow:

Dilute the vinegar: Diluting apple cider vinegar is a crucial practice to ensure its safe consumption. Apple cider vinegar, in its concentrated form, is highly acidic, which can pose risks to both dental and digestive health. When consumed undiluted, it has the potential to erode tooth enamel, leading to dental issues, and cause irritation to the sensitive lining of the oesophagus. To reduce these risks, it’s recommended to mix one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a large glass of water before consumption. This not only makes it safer for your teeth and oesophagus but also enhances the overall palatability of the vinegar.

Limit your intake: While apple cider vinegar can offer potential health benefits, moderation is key. Consuming more than one glass per day may increase the risk of side effects, including nausea and worsened heartburn. By adhering to a daily limit, you can enjoy the advantages of apple cider vinegar without exposing yourself to potential drawbacks. It’s always wise to prioritise balance in consumption to achieve the desired health effects without overloading the system.

Pair it with a meal: Consuming apple cider vinegar with a meal serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it helps protect the stomach lining from the potentially irritating effects of acidity. Secondly, incorporating it into a meal as part of a balanced diet is preferable to relying on it as a standalone solution. This approach ensures that apple cider vinegar complements a diverse range of nutrients, contributing to overall well-being while minimising the risk of overconsumption.

Explore different types of apple cider vinegar: You’ll find that there are many different health products out there made out of apple cider vinegar and claiming to have different health benefits. For example, you can take apple cider vinegar in gummies or tablets if you don’t want to have it in liquid form. However, you should always do your own research and consult your telehealth doctor or nurse before adding anything to your regimen.

Discuss with your doctor: Before making apple cider vinegar a regular part of your routine, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications, it’s crucial to consult with your doctor or nurse. Online telehealth appointments are a convenient and efficient way to seek professional advice. Healthcare professionals can offer personalised guidance based on your specific health needs, assessing potential interactions between apple cider vinegar and medications. They can provide valuable insights into its suitability for your health profile and guide you on the most effective and safe way to incorporate it into your lifestyle.

Overall, diluting apple cider vinegar, limiting intake, pairing it with meals, and consulting with a healthcare professional collectively contribute to a safe and balanced approach to incorporating this natural remedy into your daily routine.

Should you talk to your doctor before taking apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is generally safe and well-tolerated by most people, but it can also have some risks and limitations. Therefore, you should talk to your doctor before taking apple cider vinegar, especially if you have any of the following conditions or situations:


If you’re dealing with diabetes, considering apple cider vinegar in your routine comes with a few things to keep in mind. It does have its perks by helping lower blood sugar levels, but you need to be careful. It might mess with your diabetes medications or how much insulin you take. So, it’s smart to consult with your doctor before deciding to include it in your daily routine. They can help you figure out the best plan for your treatment without any surprises.

Heart Disease:

For those with heart disease, considering the positive effects of apple cider vinegar on cholesterol and triglyceride levels is important. However, potential interactions with medications that lower blood pressure or thin the blood require careful assessment. It’s recommended to engage in a discussion with your doctor, especially if you are currently on medications affecting blood pressure or blood thinning.

Kidney Disease:

If you’ve got kidney issues or you’re on diuretics or meds that lower potassium, being a bit cautious with apple cider vinegar is a good idea. Its potential to lower potassium levels could harm kidney function. Seeking consultation with a healthcare professional ensures a thorough evaluation of its safety in the context of kidney health.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

The use of apple cider vinegar is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women due to insufficient evidence regarding safety and the potential presence of contaminants. Seeking alternative options and consulting with a healthcare professional is essential during this critical period.


For individuals prone to allergies, discontinuing the use of apple cider vinegar is recommended if allergic reactions occur. Symptoms such as hives, itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing should prompt an immediate cessation of use, with subsequent medical attention sought.

In all cases, an open conversation with your doctor ensures that any underlying health conditions or medications are taken into account, allowing for personalised and informed decisions about incorporating apple cider vinegar into your health regimen.


While apple cider vinegar has gained popularity as a home remedy with numerous claimed health benefits, approach it with caution and realistic expectations. While it may offer some potential benefits, such as aiding weight loss and supporting blood sugar regulation, the evidence is limited. It’s crucial to prioritise a healthy diet, regular exercise, and medical treatment when necessary.

If you’re considering incorporating apple cider vinegar into your health routine, be sure to dilute it, consume it in moderation, and book an appointment with Phenix Health if you have any concerns. Remember that apple cider vinegar is not a magical cure-all, and it’s important to prioritise overall wellness through a balanced and holistic approach to health.