If you’re sick and need a day off work, your employer may ask for a medical certificate from you before you can be paid for the day. This can be a hassle, especially if you’re too sick to attend your regular doctor. Online doctor services can help you get a medical certificate bulk billed in Australia quickly and easily.
The doctors on Phenix Health are fully registered Fellows of the Royal Australian College of GPs (RACGP) and the ACCRM, so they can provide expert medical advice. They can also issue online prescriptions for a range of medications including compound and repeat, request pathology and radiology, and give specialist referral letters.
Our doctors can provide a medical certificate bulk billed in Australia for patients that meet the following criteria:
Bulk billing means your doctor charges less than their normal fee and accepts your Medicare benefit as full payment for the appointment. This means you’ll only pay a gap payment (the difference between your total account and the Medicare rebate) if you have a valid Health Care Card or pensioner card.
You can use our online doctor services to get a medical certificate bulk billed in a few easy steps. They’re available from 4am to 2am, seven days a week and can review your request for an online medical certificate. You’ll need to fill in a short questionnaire to make it easier for the doctor to assess your symptoms, and you can then download an electronic copy of the certificate from the online portal.
Phenix Health delivers online health services 24/7 provided by Australian doctors and healthcare professionals.