In most cases you are able to consult with an online Doctor on demand meaning you can choose a time that suits you and within 15 minutes you should be able to speak to a GP or other Healthcare professionals.
In the case of a medical emergency it is best to call 000.
On demand Doctors are experienced in being able to handle general medicine cases and in some cases concurrently practise in walk in clinics.
The type of conditions that can be treated via video Telehealth are:
- General Health https://phenixhealth.com.au/general-health/
- Skin Conditions https://phenixhealth.com.au/skin-conditions/
- Women’s Health https://phenixhealth.com.au/womens-health/
- Men’s Health https://phenixhealth.com.au/mens-health/
- Pain Clinic https://phenixhealth.com.au/pain-clinic/
Operating virtually allows us to offer consultations straight away or if you prefer you can book in the future when you are ready to take the call. For example if you are working and need it to be in the after hours our service operates 24/7, 365 days. Online consultations reduce the waitlist time which is often the case in face to face in clinic consultations .
During the booking process you can choose your time ‘GP Now’ or at a future time. At most times of the day you can choose a GP based on gender, language preferences or sub specialties. Please ask the medical receptionists.
In the consultation a doctor will assess your presenting condition and then provide you with a treatment plan. It is important to note that not all conditions can be treated via Telehealth. The doctor may suggest and refer back to your regular GP or emergency if considered appropriate.
What can a Telehealth Consultation provide:
- Prescriptions (not all result in a e-script being written)
- Short and long consults
- Medical Certificates
- Referrals to all specialists and mental health providers
- Radiology and pathology referrals -results are dependent on the lab –
Telehealth on demand consultations have become the norm and for some patients the preferred method of consulting when required with a doctor
With busy lives we are all looking for time saving, efficient services. Healthcare is no different.
Should you need to speak to a doctor now, contact Phenix Health Telehealth 1300 900 863 or book now https://phenixhealth.com.au/book-now
Phenix Health delivers online health services 24/7 provided by Australian doctors and healthcare professionals.